In retrospect- thinking about the total snobbishness of my last post- maybe I should take whatever I can get?
A realistic evaluation of myself this morning is this: outside of the house I am house-sitting for, wearing my pajamas (which I have been wearing for 2 days straight) and practicing looking cool while smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee. Newflash to myself: Unless you are Audrey Hepburn, you will not be making a cigarette look cool. You have not showered yet today. You ate a plate of microwaved bacon for breakfast and drank an entire pot of day-old coffee. Your next big step today is probably going to be washing dishes and watching the remainder of the second season of How I Met Your Mother on DVD. You have spent the last two days as a total recluse, and your primary conversations have been with 2 cats.
Yeah… maybe I should go do something. I am definitely not the prize at this particular moment. I wouldn’t date me, for sure!
Things I could do today:
1. Clean up the house I am house-sitting for. It’s my last day of freedom before I return to living at home with my parents.
2. Definitely brush my teeth (Why did I think cigarettes were a good idea? Gross!)
3. Apply to some new jobs. (I did apply to one this morning, but a few more can’t hurt)
4. Visit a cemetery with some flowers (it IS memorial day, after all)
5. Try to cook something with nutrients in it.
6. Go for a run
7. Call up some of my friends and see if anyone is free to do something (see a movie, go bowling, hang out downtown, join me on my run, etc)
There we go. Now we have goals again!