So a bit more about Needle In The Haystack guy. Still seeing him. In all
logic, he’s a great choice. Smart, funny, and, lately, very sensitive. The last
time I was over at his place, as things started to get heated between us, he
got up. This is not unusual for us- I figured he was just going to hit the
overhead light, leave the kitchen light and TV on, and come back to bed to take
care of business. Like all men do, for the most part.
However- he got up, turned off the kitchen light, overhead
light, and the TV. Then HE TURNED ON SOME MUSIC! I couldn’t believe it. This is
like serious love-making quality stuff. This is the most intimate and romantic
sex I’d had since probably college when I dated a guy who wasn’t selfish.
Shocking, refreshing, awesome.
He usually provides the perfect amount of protection vs
trust (a hugely important issue for me). On the protection side, for example,
when I was groped by my airplane neighbor during landing a couple of weeks ago returning
from Portland, I didn’t really know what to do. It was awkward and I felt dirty
about it. He ditched right after we got off the plane and he had done it while
we were descending, so it wasn’t like stewardesses were out and about. I was
creeped out so I texted NITH guy. He told me I had to report it. Even if I can
push it aside like no big issue, it is my civic duty to report something like
that to try to save other people from having the same problems with the same
creepy guy. So I did. I ended up getting 3,000 airline miles added to my
account by the embarrassed and thoroughly confused customer service girl who
had obviously thought I was calling to complain about the lack of meals served
on flights nowadays. Sexual assault is not common, but not something to be
taken lightly. I immediately felt better after doing it too. NITH does the
right thing.
On the trust side- when I went up to Boston to see Boston
Guy, he knew I was visiting a guy up there for the weekend. I appreciate the
fact that he trusts me anyway and I appreciate even more that he didn’t ask me
detailed questions. He simply asked “Did you have a good time?” Uhh, yes. Yes I
did. (This, by the way, brings up a whole other set of issues that I have an
enormous, illogical, and completely one-sided crush on Boston Guy, who has not
contacted me in days. More on that later.)
Regardless of my issues, NITH is pretty much perfect.
Clearly the most awesome guy in Manhattan. He is frustrating me currently
though by taking his “protection side” out of bounds. He wants me to go to a
Dr. Leo Spaceman of 30 Rock |
I realize that I am sick, but not THAT sick. Two days ago
this may have been viable. I hate doctors. Every time I go, it’s always some
hassle where I spent the entire day in the waiting room, either filling out new
patient paperwork or finding out that my insurance will not be accepted so I’ll
have to pay out of pocket. Then, after jumping through hoops all day, I go to
an uncomfortable appointment (because, with low budget clinics in NY, low
expectations are the new high expectations.) Bedside manner is clearly not
encouraged. It’s the typical argumentative bullshit New York attitude problem
with every administrative person and doctor through the entire process. By the
end of the appointment, they’ll tell you you’re sick and you should drink soup.
Then they bill you $100 for that sage advice. They can’t even hook you up with
some soup? They write prescriptions for every other thing! If I wanted to waste
my whole day, be frustrated, and get free advice, I would just go to the DMV
and then call my mom. Because that is what the doctor is like for me. Never
worth it.
NITH is trying to bribe me via text message right now. He is
trying to bribe me with a massage, which is usually the trump card for me doing
anything. Not this though. I told him I would rather die alone in this
apartment with my cat, a spinster in her prime, than go to the doctor. I’m not
going unless it’s in an ambulance.
And, in any case, I’m FINE! I just have a gross cough now
that will be here all season, just like every year, and nothing else is wrong.
I think I might go have some coffee and go out today just to prove a point.
Back off, NITH. You will not win the doctor argument. I am building my immune
system by rejecting Western medicine!