Saturday, April 28, 2012

Brooklyn Bound!

It begins. It’s moving day. This is the weekend I leave my small, disgusting upper west side apartment and move to Brooklyn. It might be my last night sleeping in my bunk bed! I’ve already started the process:

Step 1: Wake up, drink coffee made to the intensity of rocket fuel in underwear with roommate #1.

Step 2:  Stop at the delicious and comforting Absolute Bagels to try to bring about a will to live.
(Last night, after going out to gay clubs with my Aussie friend, I found myself bent over the toilet, vomiting whiskey and sushi around 2 am. I also put at least ten $1 bills into a gay dancer’s G-string. This is the sort of nonsense this girl gets me to do.)

Step 3: Go to the bank and withdraw money needed for paying roommate #1 for the bills, his bed, money order for the security deposit on my apartment, and for paying movers tomorrow. I’ll basically just be hemorrhaging money all weekend.

Step 4: Buy boxes, collect things, and pack them up. Roommate #2 finally gave me back the glass from my picture frame that he’s been borrowing to do lines of cocaine. My laundry is in process at the laundromat, and otherwise I don’t have a whole lot of stuff strewn about the apartment.

Luckily, I haven’t acquired much living here, but I always tend to drag out the entire process of packing. Man. I hate moving.

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