Monday, August 27, 2012

Metaphorical Man-Bagels

It’s been a while since I posted. I will give you the nutshell version of what happened with the married Ukranian fellow:

He got real creepy, sent me a picture of my mom in highschool and turned up at my roommate’s work to bother her after I told him the relationship was inappropriate. Aside from the fact that I don’t know how he knew who my mom or roommate were, or where he got their info, that just took it one step too far. I called NYPD, who said there wasn’t much they could do since he wasn’t really threatening me (being creepy wasn’t a crime). Luckily, my roommate’s boss took on a surrogate dad role and ended up calling the guy (who had rather unfortunately left his business card at my roommate’s office) and read him the riot act in a scary Brooklyn accent and told him not to bother us again. Then called the guy’s work to report him to HR and legal. 

There have been no further incidents, and, lest you assume I was kidnapped since I haven’t been particularly active with communication (since that is the conclusion my sister immediately jumped to) I am fine. It is actually because I was without a phone for a week and living in a communication black hole. 

That said, having a phone back is hardly any different. The option now exists to call me, but almost no one ever does. Or even texts. I am a lone, metaphorical tumbleweed, rolling across the desert. 

So many bagels... so little time....
This morning I was greeted by a puffy eye and about 10 Facebook status updates about people getting married, getting engaged, celebrating an anniversary, or the birth of their child. And all I can think is “I am 25 years old. Why is everyone finding the love of their lives here except for me? I can’t even go on a nice date with someone who I have any chemistry with!” MY Facebook status update that I contributed to the cyber world was somewhat of a short ballad to my bagel and all the joy and carbohydrates it has brought to my life.

Mostly, I guess that’s just really sad, but you know what? Screw you, happy people in functional relationships. My bagel DOES bring me joy. It doesn’t judge me for dancing haphazardly in my office to my Whitney Houston/ Christmas Pandora station. It is not jealous when I sometimes get drunk and lazy and gnaw down a frozen potsticker without heating it up first. (It is patient when I realize, mid- chew,  that a hot, tasty bagel would have been such a better choice). Bagels are may not contribute much to a relationship, but they seem to follow most of the requirements of that 1 Corinthians passage that everyone reads when they get married anyway.

I suppose until I find my metaphorical man-bagel, I’ll just have to keep eating real ones like a heifer until I don’t fit into any more bridesmaid dresses.

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