Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Cool as a Cucumber... In a Volcano.

Not to be used near eyes.
It has been brought to my attention via a friend of a friend that Potentially Successful Date Guy was still sleeping with his ex as recently as a couple of months ago, and likely still is. So now I am slightly less confused, but definitely more upset. It makes sense why the friend zone thing is going on if he’s got a side dish. (Who is a model, no less. ) 

I want to act like it’s no big deal, but we’ve been friends for a while now (or so I thought) and friends do not fuck each other, literally or otherwise, so this seems like he has been lying to me from the beginning, which is quite a while. Grand. Looks like using Burt’s Bees chapstick on the chapped area near my eyeball will not be my only regret today… since it is stinging and minty now. 

I think my pride is a bit more stinging though… I am not a very mellow person in these sorts of

My homegirl.
situations, particularly when I feel like an idiot. Then I tend to go a little crazy. However, I think we are a long way from the days of destroying gifts and returning the pieces to the giver in a plastic bag. That was SO 4 years ago on a very specific instance of jealous, unleashed anger.

In this case, I want to find out if this rumor is true, if it’s still going on, and come up with a mature adult-like plan of calm confrontation where I walk away without swearing, crying, or being otherwise pathetic. It’s particularly hard if it’s true, because it means I’m losing a friend as well, and I don’t have that many in NYC. But quality over quantity.  And I can go back to relating to Alanis Morissette’s “You Oughta Know” which is my karaoke jam. There is a silver lining!

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