Monday, May 30, 2011

Reality Check

In retrospect- thinking about the total snobbishness of my last post- maybe I should take whatever I can get?

A realistic evaluation of myself this morning is this: outside of the house I am house-sitting for, wearing my pajamas (which I have been wearing for 2 days straight) and practicing looking cool while smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee. Newflash to myself: Unless you are Audrey Hepburn, you will not be making a cigarette look cool. You have not showered yet today. You ate a plate of microwaved bacon for breakfast and drank an entire pot of day-old coffee. Your next big step today is probably going to be washing dishes and watching the remainder of the second season of How I Met Your Mother on DVD. You have spent the last two days as a total recluse, and your primary conversations have been with 2 cats.

Yeah… maybe I should go do something. I am definitely not the prize at this particular moment. I wouldn’t date me, for sure!

Things I could do today:
1. Clean up the house I am house-sitting for. It’s my last day of freedom before I return to living at home with my parents.
2. Definitely brush my teeth (Why did I think cigarettes were a good idea? Gross!)
3. Apply to some new jobs. (I did apply to one this morning, but a few more can’t hurt)
4. Visit a cemetery with some flowers (it IS memorial day, after all)
5. Try to cook something with nutrients in it.
6. Go for a run
7. Call up some of my friends and see if anyone is free to do something (see a movie, go bowling, hang out downtown, join me on my run, etc)

There we go. Now we have goals again!

Dating Standards

Not to sound conceited, but sometimes being hit on is not flattering to the recipient. This is mainly because if someone thinks you’re hot, but some Law of Fairness, they also assume you’re stupid and insecure, and they treat you accordingly.

Exhibit A: One of my ex-boyfriend’s older brother’s friends used to send me messages on Facebook shortly after that boyfriend and I broke up. At the time, I thought cockiness was kind of cute and meant the guy was interested- plus I was vulnerable. That boyfriend later told me that the friend just thought I was hot and wanted to hook up with me.

This guy used to talk to me about a year ago and then communication dropped off the face of the earth. I figured that was fine- we didn’t know each other and I had met someone else, etc. 

On Friday I get the first message I get in a year:

“Ptown. What are you up to this weekend?”

I was responded somewhat coolly “I have some tentative plans. Is anything cool going on?” I haven’t talked to this person in a year AND I’ve never met him in person. WTF do you mean “What are you doing?” My regular life, dude. You’re not a part of it.

His response to mine: “Well, I will be in Portland, so basically everything is cool. My brother is having a BBQ- want me to keep you in the loop?”

My thoughts on this were “Do I want you to keep me in the loop? You are chasing me! I am the prize, bitch! I got hit on by two guys at Walgreens today when I was buying vaginal anti-fungal and birth control- the most un-sexy pharmaceutical combination of all time. So, if I gave a crap what you were up to for the past year, I probably would have called, and vice versa. You clearly don’t care about me and I don’t want to be your f-buddy. If I wanted to get laid, I would be getting laid. If I wanted to hang out with an overgrown frat boy a decade older than me who thinks he’s all that, I would have stayed with my ex. So, no, Toolbox- I do NOT want to go to your BBQ.”

I responded “If you want to. I’ll probably be hanging out with my girls though.” Maybe I am irrationally offended, but seriously. What girl would REALLY feel like it’s a privilege to be hanging out with some guy who only calls to hook up when he’s in town? Get over yourself. I have self-esteem! And in any case, I have a new list of standards about dating.

No addicts, alcoholics, abusers, psych cases, dead-beats, arrogance issues, clinginess issues, family problems, emotionally unavailable, financial instability, losers, creepers, anarchists, pedophiles, closet-gays, trust issues, liars, married-men, guys with kids, stalkers, polygamists, cheaters, smokers, short guys, gangsters, wanksters, or mamma’s-boys need apply.

I do not think this mission should be impossible.

Friday, May 20, 2011

House Sitting So Far

Since I’ve been living at home for a while now, I find that I often miss having personal space. I never get to spend any time naked or listening to loud music or watching TV shows I like- we don’t even have cable. So naturally, when close family friends told us they were going on a trip to Maine for 2 weeks and needed a house-sitter, I was thrilled. Between the 18th and the 31st, it would just be me, their 2 cats, and an entire house to ourselves. It would be like a vacation while still being in town!

So far, house-sitting has not been as picturesque as I imagined.

Day 1: I went over to the house after work to let the cats out and unpack my things. I took some time making myself comfortable in the guest room in the basement and left the back door open a crack so that the cats could come in when they were ready to. 
However, as the sun went down, only the orange cat returned. 

I spent the next 3 hours panicking about how I had already lost my friend’s cat. I periodically walked outside and yelled the cat’s name and whistled. This probably would have worked better if A. The cat knew its name, B. The cat cared, and C. The cat was actually a dog. Being as it was the BLACK cat who decided to go missing at night, I couldn’t have seen it even if it had been around. I ended up leaving the door cracked a bit overnight so that it could come in, and slept fitfully dreaming of it being eaten by coyotes or something awful.

In the meantime, the orange cat tried to eat my hair in my sleep and pawed at my face all night. I woke up next to a puddle of cat urine on the bed. I ended up having to start a load of laundry at 6 am and open a window in the basement to air it out. The black cat had let himself back in during the night, so at least I could stop worrying about that.

Day 2 (aka last night): I ended up moving all of my things out of the basement guest room and upstairs to my friend’s bedroom. I was able to find both cats that night (before it was dark) and put them in the basement. I slept soundly with no worries of missing cats or being batted in the face.

Feeling that things were taking a turn for the better this morning, I got out of bed, took off my clothes and headed to the shower, but then remembered that I had left both cats locked in the basement and decided to let them out first. Then, since I was already down there (and still fully enjoying some peaceful naked time) I put out the catfood and decided to clean the litter box. The litter box is located next to the door that leads to the garage, where there is a conveniently located trash can outside, so I stepped out onto the garage steps with a bag of kitty litter and let the door shut behind me.

At this point, I am locked out of my friend’s house at 5:30 am, completely naked, and holding a bag of kitty litter. And I have to be at work at 7 am.

I spent a little time cursing and looking around the garage for a spare or a phone- I figured I could at least call in sick to work (or call my mom and try to explain what I’m doing outside naked at the crack of dawn) but I couldn’t find either one. I began contemplating the possibilities of turning the grill cover into a toga and the awkwardness of meeting the neighbors under these circumstances, should I end up having to get others involved.

Then I remembered- the basement window! A silver lining to the cat peeing on the bed was that the window was still open a crack! I ran outside to my friend’s backyard, still fully naked, and fully grateful that it was May and not that cold. I had to move some heavy iron patio furniture and yank a screen off the window, but I managed to break in. 

I climbed naked through the basement window into the guest room and looked at the clock. 5:45 am. I was still going to make it to work even though I had practically just re-lived a scene from American Pie!

With the way things are going,  my goal is to not burn the house down in the 2 weeks they’re gone.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dental Conspiracy?

I’m always a little skeptical of the dentist. I used to go to a nice guy who was pretty gentle when I was on my parents’ insurance, but now that I have my own insurance, I have to see someone else that I can afford. She’s also a nice person, I guess, but every time I’ve gone in to see her, I’ve had a minimum of 2 cavities.
I’ve never had a cavity until I was 15- now I’ve had like 6.
My skepticism comes from this: How do I know if I really need to get a filling? My teeth feel normal, everything looks fine to the untrained eye, and I am a freak about dental hygiene… I am completely reliant on the dentist to tell me if I need one and I always go with her recommendation. The good news is I’ll be out of teeth for her to fill pretty soon and we’ll just have to start having standard cleanings again. I’m starting to think that she’s just “finding” them to punish me for making appointments at 5 pm.

Standard cleanings are also worst than I remember though, and I think this may be because my new dentist is one I would classify as an “aggressive cleaner.” Her methods for extracting tartar build up are probably the same methods used by archaeologists in excavating dinosaur bones. Enamel comes off.
After she was done flossing and notifying me of all the fun we’ll be having in our next appointment (2 cavities and 2 that COULD become a problem) her hygienist came in to take care of the routine stuff.
“Is mint toothpaste okay with you?”
(I was unaware that there were any other flavors of toothpaste available besides mint.)
“I’ll take whatever you’ve got- it all tastes like blood right now,” I said.
I think now I finally understand why people fear going to the dentist.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sexual Encounters

 I’ve just tried to show my 18 year old sister a picture of the guy I hooked up with on Facebook, who happens to be from Jupiter, Fl. Her response: “ Yeah. I’d tap that. Get in your rocket ships: we’re going to Jupiter!” Then followed a rendition of the song “Drops of Jupiter” by Train, as performed by my sister, who knows approximately 25% of the lyrics.
“..Drops of Jupiter! In her ha-ay-ay-air. Hay-ay-ay-air. Eh Eh eh . EHHHHHH. Tell me! Eh…eh…ahh… wind on your feet! Something something lottery! Eh eh…”

It always weirds me out to hear my 18 year old sister telling me she would “tap that.” Probably because my entire life I’ve always still felt like she’s a kid, even though I keep getting older. I guess she’s 18 now though. We bought lottery tickets together a few weeks ago. Recently, we were getting ready for work/school (work for me, school for her) and we were doing our hair in the bathroom. My dad was walking down the hallway to say goodbye before work, but before he got to the bathroom, he stopped in the hallway. He bent to pick something up. Then he tossed it on the counter.
“What’s this doing in my hallway?”

It was a Trojan condom wrapper.

My sister: “The dog must have taken it out of the garbage.”
Dad: “Well, why is it in the garbage?”
My sister: “ Well…. My boyfriend and I are being safe! I’m 18 years old, DAD!”

At that moment I couldn’t leave for work fast enough.

The most amazing part of this is that our dog did basically the same thing to my other sister Christmas before last when he dragged her used condom out of the trash can and left it for my mom to find when she took her boyfriend to the airport. The Abstinence Dog strikes again!! My parents would probably be relieved if I ever ‘fessed up to that. It would mean that I hadn’t become a lesbian, because, for all the male traffic I bring through this house, they’d have to wonder. Dental dams would still leave some doubts.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Spring Updates: I Am Not Dead

I’ve been lazy about my blog. I haven’t posted anything in 4 months. Good thing no one follows it, because they would possibly think I died.

Here’s a brief update on the last 4 months (aka, not much)
1. The musician boyfriend didn’t work out. This is a recent development- our last interactions have not been what I would classify as friendly, either. Bitter would probably be more accurate. This also means that my “internship” is over. Both our relationship and the internship were fun, but I suppose they weren’t mean to last : (

2. I still work for the fired up people at the helicopter parts distribution company. I still do not like it, although I was promoted- something like 3 months ago. Now I am the “Purchasing Specialist” and I handle all the contracts. On the bright side, I got a little raise and I’m busy from the moment I come in until the moment I leave. On the downside, this is probably the highest position I can attain in this company and it’s still not interesting enough to become a career for me.

3. My car hasn’t died and I have no new traffic tickets! A major plus!!

4. I have had another “coming of age” experience:  My first one night stand. This happened a couple of weeks after the musician boyfriend and I broke up- and on a business trip with the helicopter people, no less. I might defend myself by saying that the gentleman is a 26 year old triathalon competitor and an engineer who looked a bit like a ripped version of Daniel Tosh.  I do have some standards; it was not a total revenge-bang against my ex (or my boss, who was sleeping on the other side of the wall). But I’m not sad that those are the circumstances. 

Other than that, nothing of notable interest has happened. I now live at home fully in the commandeered room, although now my stuff is all in the garage and none of it is at the musician’s house. I’m still saving money and day-dreaming of NYC and regular-dreaming of Taylor Swift. I’m still lazy in personal care- exhibit A: last night I channeled Ke$ha in having beer in a Nalgene bottle, an apple, and 6 Red Vines for dinner. I do have an interview on Tuesday though, so possibly I will have new and exciting info to report soon!