Monday, April 23, 2012

Just Be Cool

Going to start tweeting again. Decision was made this morning after I finally remembered my login that I made about 2 years ago. I figure I have enough un-related ideas that are not long enough for a blog that I can start letting them seep out on other social media outlets. Follow @Allie_Bowie if you dare.

I was about this cool at breakfast
The way the rest of the night went down with my roommate and his girlfriend was that after enough crying from his end, he finally figured out how to unlock the door and then they were both in there for a while. At 3 am, all I wanted to do was brush my teeth, but luckily I had an emergency toothbrush and travel size toothpaste in my purse just in case. Ironically,  I still got to put them to use that night and brush my teeth over an unfamiliar sink- it’s just it was the one in my kitchen (full of dirty dishes, no less) instead of Potentially Successful Date Guy’s bathroom.

While dodging dishes with my toothpaste spit, my roommate emerged from the bathroom, tear-streaked and naked from the waist down. We stared at each other for a second, then he screamed “Oh my GOD!” and then stumbled to his room. His girlfriend followed, rolling her eyes and carrying his pants. I miss that.

The following morning I went to breakfast with Potentially Successful Date Guy. We had a good time and chatted about upcoming plans and his variety show. I told him I was moving to Brooklyn and he should come visit me when I’m settled in. He said he’d get his passport. I told him how very Manhattan of him that was to say. I tried a bite of his breakfast risotto, and he paid for breakfast. Very date-like, but I still can’t figure out if I’m in the friend zone here or what.  I went for a kiss at the end, which seemed well received, but may have gone a bit better if we weren’t both wearing hats and therefore bumping into each other awkwardly with them.

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