Friday, May 4, 2012

Epic Fail.

Last night I had a weird dream about Successfully Potential Date Guy, who, let’s face it, is back to being Unsuccessful Date Guy. After a week of mysteriously unexplained silence, I finally texted him to let me know either way if he has any interest in going out again. No answer IS my answer. Bummer.

But I still had a dream about him last night. An awkward, sexual dream.

In this dream, UDG is super into me. We’re talking, laughing, making out and having a good time. Soon, things begin to get pretty heated between us. Just as we are about to have sex, UDG suffers some kind of erectile dysfunction and I have to call Crystal (his fictitious nurse friend I made up in the dream) and she comes to help him out of this awkward blue-balls dilemma. I end up basically being a nurse’s assistant, all romance missing from the entire situation, and then my alarm goes off. The moral of the story is I never get laid. Not even in my own dreams.
What I suspect NJ Contractor is doing after work.

Today I am in the office with one of the contractors from our remodel project. He’s an Italian guy from New Jersey whose father was murdered by the mob. He’s answered the phone already 3 times this morning, two from sexual conquests and one from a very pissed off ex-wife. Perhaps I should take away at least some dating advice from him- he’s very direct with all of these women. Here is an example conversation:

NJ Contractor: So you wanna get togetha tonight?
Woman on the phone: ‘’’’’’’’ (She sounds like Charlie Brown’s teacher)
NJ Contractor: Well, is it going to be like a 10-15 minute conversation or do you wanna sleep together?
Woman on the phone: ‘’’’’’’’’
NJ Contractor: And you can’t do it on the phone? All I’m sayin’ is… that’s what happens when we get togetha.
<Hangs up phone>
NJ Contractor (to me): So you mind if I have a smoke in here, or what?

All I have to say is TGIF.

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